Lithia Mineral Water Benefits

  • Posted by Royal Mineral Water
  • On September 27, 2017
Lithia mineral water is water that contains lithium salts. Bottled lithium mineral water is rare, even though there are a number of health benefits associated with drinking lithia-rich water. Royal Mineral Water bottles directly at the source, preserving the natural lithia-magnesium mineral water from a 330-foot deep underground spring in our Crown Suliner mineral water.
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The Benefits of Silica Water and Drinking Silicon-Rich Mineral Water

  • Posted by Royal Mineral Water
  • On September 13, 2017
Royal Mineral Water bottles directly at the mineral water source, preserving the natural elements found in our underground springs and delivering their benefits straight to your glass. An element that is often filtered out of tap water is silica, but our Crown Magnesia preserves this important mineral in our water.
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Mineral Water Benefits in Your Daily Life

  • Posted by Royal Mineral Water
  • On August 2, 2017
Many people know about the importance of vitamins in their diet—they go to great lengths to ensure they’re receiving enough nutrients from foods and drinks to maintain a healthy lifestyle. But, did you know that minerals are just as important? Unfortunately, many minerals are stripped from foods during processing and, as a result, many Canadians […]
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