Healthy and Tasty Mineral Water Drink Recipes

  • Posted by Royal Mineral Water
  • On October 25, 2017
There are many benefits of mineral water — from alleviating hangover symptoms to helping remove aluminum from the body. In addition to being good for you, Royal Mineral Water is the perfect base for some healthy and tasty drink recipes!
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Where to Find Naturally Occurring Calcium Water

  • Posted by Royal Mineral Water
  • On October 4, 2017
When most people think of calcium, they think of milk, but calcium occurs naturally in water and has a number of benefits. However, many bottled water companies and public municipalities remove these beneficial minerals from their water as part of their filtration process. To get the full advantage of calcium water, look for natural mineral […]
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Lithia Mineral Water Benefits

  • Posted by Royal Mineral Water
  • On September 27, 2017
Lithia mineral water is water that contains lithium salts. Bottled lithium mineral water is rare, even though there are a number of health benefits associated with drinking lithia-rich water. Royal Mineral Water bottles directly at the source, preserving the natural lithia-magnesium mineral water from a 330-foot deep underground spring in our Crown Suliner mineral water.
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The Benefits of Silica Water and Drinking Silicon-Rich Mineral Water

  • Posted by Royal Mineral Water
  • On September 13, 2017
Royal Mineral Water bottles directly at the mineral water source, preserving the natural elements found in our underground springs and delivering their benefits straight to your glass. An element that is often filtered out of tap water is silica, but our Crown Magnesia preserves this important mineral in our water.
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The Unique Experience of Natural Carbonation and Soft Sparkling Mineral Water

  • Posted by Royal Mineral Water
  • On August 30, 2017
Many people are familiar with the taste of artificial carbonation but few have experienced all natural carbonation and the soft sparkling taste it produces. While some mineral waters claim to be all natural, they actually go through an artificial carbonation process to create their fizzy quality. Royal Mineral Water offers all natural, soft sparkling mineral […]
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Natural Alkaline Water Benefits

  • Posted by Royal Mineral Water
  • On August 16, 2017
There’s been a lot of interest in alkaline water and alkaline water benefits lately, but it can be hard to wade through all the information online to understand exactly what alkaline water is and the best alkaline water brand to drink.
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Mineral Water Benefits in Your Daily Life

  • Posted by Royal Mineral Water
  • On August 2, 2017
Many people know about the importance of vitamins in their diet—they go to great lengths to ensure they’re receiving enough nutrients from foods and drinks to maintain a healthy lifestyle. But, did you know that minerals are just as important? Unfortunately, many minerals are stripped from foods during processing and, as a result, many Canadians […]
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Want to Cure a Hangover? Drink Authentic Magnesium Water

  • Posted by Royal Mineral Water
  • On June 15, 2017
After a night out on the town or celebrating with friends and family, many people wake up feeling a little under the weather. Classic hangover symptoms—like pounding headaches, dizziness, nausea and irritability—are often seen as the price of enjoying the previous night. While there is no magic hangover cure, there is a way to naturally […]
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What is REAL Mineral Water?

  • Posted by Royal Mineral Water
  • On June 13, 2017
Mineral water has grown in popularity over the last few years as more people have become aware of its positive effects. There are a number of different mineral waters on the shelves of your local store, but do you know what real mineral water actually is?
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